Welcome The Capitol Encore Academy
We created this page so it would be easier to pick out your items. All shirts will include The Capitol Encore Academy logo full featured on the front. The Polos and Zipped Hoodies will have the logo on the upper left hand side.
Dress Code for Reference
Uniform Updates: 1st-8th grade students are required to wear school polo shirts with embroidered school logo OR TCEA school T-shirts/Sweatshirt on Mondays- Thursdays. Every Friday is Spirit Day and students may wear any TCEA school T-Shirt or “Spirit Wear” – any shirt that represents any organization they participate in, a college T-shirt/Jersey, appropriate sports team shirts/jerseys, and appropriate band/musician and artist T-shirts, with long jeans or approved bottoms. Jean shorts are not permitted spirit wear. Please see the Handbook for complete uniform information.
Dance Uniform: Students must have either a purple, green or white Capitol Encore T-Shirt for Dance. Students may wear the dance uniform to school on the day of their scheduled dance class, along with black leggings, athletic pants, or basketball shorts.
Culinary Uniform: Students must have a short sleeve Capitol Encore T-Shirt for Culinary Arts. Color does not matter. Students may wear the culinary uniform to school on the day of their scheduled culinary class, along with black pants, and closed-toed, non-slip shoes.